Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I is for ice cream!

I was assigned to bring a snack to Dominic's class for "I" week. I had planned to just bring in cups of Italian Ice, until I bought a new cook book two weeks ago and saw this idea. These were super easy and so fun to make. They are Ice Cream Cone Cup Cakes and, as the name suggests, you fill the cone with batter, bake, then top with an obscene amount of icing. I'm sure most kids only ate the icing, but, hey, at least it's another "I" word, right?


Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Those look so yummy and fun!

TheMarshLand said...

Sam says "That is awesome" I think she will be tring this for your next party.


Countdown to when I can say y'all again and not get weird looks

Daisypath Vacation tickers