Thursday, January 08, 2009

For those of you who DON'T read your Christmas cards (I say that laughingly!) or who aren't in my address book, I am PREGNANT! Woo hoo!

This scan was taken at 8 weeks. I had another appointment today at 12 weeks and heard a reassuringly strong heartbeat, so baby is still baking away in there. My due date is around mid July.

We are THRILLED with this news, of course!!! We were pretty anxious and held off on sharing the news at first, but things have been going so well that we're starting to believe this is really going to happen. :)


Andrea said...

Congratulations! I hope everything else is going well for you, too. I saw the "two front teeth for Christmas" post. Hannah is also missing hers, and that was the first thing she told Santa she wanted when she saw him.

Anonymous said...

Crap. That means I skimmed and didn't read or missed something. I hate when that happens. lol

Angela said...

Congrats and I LOVE your little bean's first photo!

Clan Mac Mama said...

Oh, Praise God for this blessing!! I am wiping the tears away now. I will keep you & your precious bean in my prayers daily. Funny that I read this news today, as I am praying for my little miracles to join the world, like right now if they are ready!
SO happy for all of you!!!!

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Love seeing those ultrasound pics! Keeping you guys in our thoughts and hope all continues to go smoothly.


Countdown to when I can say y'all again and not get weird looks

Daisypath Vacation tickers