Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dominic is star of the week in his class today, and he is loving it! I made this poster for him to take to class, and here are his answers to the questionnaire his teacher gave him:

My whole name is Dominic Temuri H.

My birthday is September 20th. I am 6 years old.

These are the people in my family: Mamma, Daddy, Christian, and a baby due in July.

These are my pets: Kukanotti (my guinea pig) and 3 hermit crabs.

At home I like to play games with my family.

At school I like play time.

When Christian plays with me it makes me happy.

When no one plays with me it makes me sad.

My favorite toy is my race cars.

My favorite food is pasta.

My favorite place is Papa’s house.

Sometimes I’m scared when the lights are off.

When I grow up I want to be a soccer player.

I wish I was at Papa’s house all the time.

I’m really good at soccer.

1 comment:

Angela said...

So the hermet crabs don't get names?!


Countdown to when I can say y'all again and not get weird looks

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